Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Precision Poetry Drill Team/Lit Journal

Hey Blog,

Sorry, I have been so bad about posting. I promise to never neglect you again, no really. The Precision Poetry Drill Team and I were commissioned this summer to compose a piece on Federcio Garcia Lorca for the Santa Fe Opera's festival on Lorca. We performed LorcaLand twice. The kids wrote hip-hop flavored flow and we did a mash up of Lorca's "Lament" and Hernandez's "Lullaby of the Onion." It was a great send off after working together for the past year. Our group version of "Verde te que quiero Verde," done as a kind of chant was well received. A section of the was show entitled, "Whose Lorca?"It consisted of video I shot at a street fair in Santa Fe, and all the answers people gave off the top of their heads. Two women hula hooping were the best as they purposely confused Lorca with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, calling him Gabriel Garcia Lorca.

Here is link to NPR's "All Things Considered" story on the PPDT.

Yesterday classes at Desert Academy began and I now have 18 Drill Teamers, as well as teaching a literary journal class. The students are whip smart and we have been asked to perform at Zozobra, which is kind of like "Burning Man," without the nudity and predates it by about 50 years. Part of this post is to show the Lit J class what a blog is and I just want to say, they are sweet and I can't wait to see what they do this year. I am running the class like a small press and our first project is to do a parody of the New Yorker. They will also be creating a blog and doing podcasts. I will put a link up from this site.

I really did miss you old blog o mine.
Big kisses and hugs,
Gary Mex
P.S. Sparking Memories: The Alzheimer's Poetry Project Anthology
is done and you can find out more about the book
at Alzpoetry.com
Thanks to Bread for the Journey for the funding!!